the service guide used by the Catholic church for worship, sacraments, etc
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The Book of Common Prayer is the service
guide used by the Catholic church for worship, sacraments, ordinations,
etc. It was first written by Thomas Cranmer in 1549 under Edward VI of
England. In 1881 Herbert Luckock published Studies in the Book of
Common Prayer, a historical look at the evolution of the book, which
been revised and reprinted many times. He chronicles the Anglican
Reform, Puritan Innovations, Elizabethan Reactions, and the Caroline
Settlement with a chapter each. Luckock's work does not discuss any of
the content of The Book of Common Prayer; rather, he is concerned
discovering how the content got there. His histories are very complete
and include examinations of the people, events, theology, and politics
that affected the formation of the book. The accounts are meticulously
researched and as fascinating as they are lengthy. Luckock has written
many works and was a respected teacher, college president, and Dean of
Lichfield Cathedral. His record of The Book of Common Prayer is
that should be utilized by all who are familiar with this centerpiece of
Anglican worship.