Bible Knowledge Graph

Herbert M. Luckock

Entity ID:
Long Name:
Luckock, Herbert Mortimer, 1833-1909
Short Name:
Herbert M. Luckock
Disambiguation String:
Anglican priest in the Church of England
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Herbert Mortime Luckock was made a Canon of Ely Cathedral in 1875, and principal of Ely Theological College. In 1892 he was appointed the Dean of Lichfield Cathedral until his death in 1909.

In his book Studies in the History of the Book of Common Prayer, his purpose is to trace the movements and influences of which it was the product, down through the Anglican Reform, the Puritan Innovations, the Elizabethan Reaction, and the Caroline Settlement. The four chapters have little to do with the contents of the Prayer Book, but three of the five appendices respectively compare the Gallican Liturgy with the Sarum Missal, contain the "Order of the Communion" drawn up in 1548, and point out the changes introduced into the Prayer Book in 1662.

Luckock authored the following works:

  • Tables of Stone (1867)
  • After Death, the State of the Faithful Dead and their Relationship to the Living (1879)
  • Studies in the History of the Prayer Book (1881)
  • An Appeal to the Church not to withdraw her Clergy from Universities (1882)
  • Footprints of the Son of Man as traced by St. Mark (1884)
  • The Bishops in the Tower, a Record of Stirring Events affecting the Church and Nonconformists from the Reformation to the Revolution (1886)
  • The Divine Liturgy, being The Order for Holy Communion, historically, doctrinally, and devotionally set forth (1889)
  • The Intermediate State between Death and Judgment (1890)
  • John Wesley's Churchmanship (1891)
  • Who are Wesley's Heirs? (1892)
  • History of the Church in Scotland (1893)
  • History of Marriage, Jewish and Christian, with especial Reference to its Indissolubility and certain forbidden Degrees (1894)
  • Footprints of the Apostles as traced by St. Luke (2 vols., 1897)
  • Four Qualifications for a Good Preacher (1897)
  • The Characteristics of the Four Gospels (1900)
  • Beautiful Life of an Ideal Priest; or, Reminiscences of Thomas Thelluaon Carter (1902)
  • Life and Works of Dr. Johnson (1902)
  • Spiritual Difficulties in the Bible and Prayer Book: Helps to their Solution (1905)
  • Eucharistic Sacrifice and Intercession for the Departed (1907)

Luckock also edited Bishop J. R. Woodford's Great Commission: Twelve Addressee on the Ordinal (London, 1886) and Sernwna (2 vols., 1887).

Viaf ID:
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Birth Date:
AD 1833
Death Date:
January 1, 1909
Anglican priest in the Church of England

Studies in the Book of Common Prayer