George MacDonald was a well-known and
well-loved Christian author and poet in the 19th century.
He had an important impact on figures such as C.S. Lewis,
J.R.R. Tolkien, and G.K. Chesterton. Although he wrote
much beloved fiction, MacDonald's Unspoken Sermons is some of the
wonderful and profound literature a person can read. The sermons are
arranged in series, so that they build upon one another. Throughout,
MacDonald is more concerned with a person developing a love of God than
developing dogmas. That is, MacDonald's sermons are more concerned with
doing the will of God than believing true things about
MacDonald's approach to theology is not the usual one, nevertheless the
results are astounding. Many readers feel they are being swept into the
presence of God upon reading these sermons. MacDonald's Unspoken
truly provide a chance for a person to more closely love God and