Written in 1755, Uniformity with God's Will is a wonderful little
treatise on the true love of God. Saint Alphonsus de Liguori writes to
encourage believers to unify their wills with that of God's, so that they may
love God perfectly: "the more one unites his will with the divine will, the
greater will be his love of God." To choose otherwise--i.e. to choose
not to unify one's will with God's--is "a kind of idolatry." These seven
short chapters, not simply prone to abstract speculation, explore concretely
how to make one's own will uniform with God's through the hardships of this
life. Further, the book discusses the fruit of such a union with God's
will: happiness. De Liguori concludes by noting how, in all things, Christians
must remain steadfast in their union with God's will. For in so doing, God
will "press us to his heart." Challenging and encouraging, Uniformity with
God's Will has the power to remind us of what true love of God really is.