St. Anselm's Book of
Meditations and Prayers features twenty-one meditations,
which focus on several contrasting concepts within the
Christian faith. For example, St. Anselm compares the
sinner's fears and the sinner's hopes by meditating on the nature of
sin, which separates us from God, and the grace of God, which draws
sinners back to salvation. St. Anselm also addresses the sinner's past
and the sinner's future by meditating on the nature of the wicked soul,
which finds a life of misery, and the nature of the good soul, upon
which God bestows glory. Finally, St. Anselm explores the paradox of the
Incarnation, meditating on the humanity of Christ by which Christ
interacts with his people, and the godliness of Christ, by which Christ
redeems his people. St. Anselm's deep desire to understand his faith is
evidence in this collection of keenly insightful