Louis de Blois, also known by his Latin name, Franciscus Ludovicus Blosius, became
abbot of the Benedictine Order at Liessies in 1530. As abbot, he concerned himself
with the renewal of the monastic spirit among the Benedictine brothers. The monastic
spirit was one of great learning and disciplined, righteous living, and Blois’ monastery
became widely known for those virtues. This collection contains Blois’ Rule of the
Spiritual Life, The Spiritual Mirror, and A String of Spiritual Jewels,
three instructional works he wrote for the brothers of his monastery. The abbot lays out
instructions for living in search of God, encouraging daily prayer, proper perspectives
on the sacraments, and moderation in all things. Blois’ outline of the monastic lifestyle
influenced Christian monastics all throughout Europe, and it continues to inspire modern
Catholics as they conduct their lives as Christians.