Proslogium; Monologium; An Appendix in Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilon; and Cur Deus Homo
Short Name:
Proslogium; Monologium; An Appendix in Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilon; and Cur Deus Homo
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compilation of St. Anselm's most important works
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In this compilation of St. Anselm's most
important works, St. Anselm uses reason and philosophical
argument to defend the Christian faith against
non-believers. St. Anselm stresses the importance of our
rational nature as humans, encouraging Christians that
they should be "always ready to convince anyone who
demands of them a reason of that hope which is in us." In
his Proslogium, St. Anselm presents the Ontological
Argument, an argument for the existence of God in which
God is defined as, "a being than which none greater can be conceived."
In Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilon, St. Anselm discusses a
counterargument offered by his contemporary, Gaunilon, a Benedictine
monk who questioned St. Anselm's definition of God. Monologium
the attributes of God, while Cur Deus Homo (translated, "Why God
Man") addresses difficult questions about the Incarnation. This
collection is a fine example of the intertwining of medieval philosophy
and Christian apologetics. St. Anselm's argument for the existence of
God influenced many philosophers in the early modern era and continues
to influence thinkers today.