Bible Knowledge Graph

The Power of God

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Power of God, The
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The Power of God
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Is one of his attributes — Ps 62:11. Expressed by the Voice of God. — Ps 29:3,5; 68:33. Finger of God. — Ex 8:19; Ps 8:3. Hand of God. — Ex 9:3,15; Isa 48:13. Arm of God. — Job 40:9; Isa 52:10. Thunder of his power. — Job 26:14. Described as Great. — Ps 79:11; Na 1:3. Strong. — Ps 89:13; 136:12. Glorious. — Ex 15:6; Isa 63:12. Mighty. — Job 9:4; Ps 89:13. Everlasting. — Isa 26:4; Ro 1:20. Sovereign. — Ro 9:21. Effectual. — Isa 43:13; Eph 3:7. Irresistible. — De 32:39; Da 4:35. Incomparable. — Ex 15:11,12; De 3:24; Job 40:9; Ps 89:8. Unsearchable. — Job 5:9; 9:10. Incomprehensible. — Job 26:14; Ec 3:11. All things possible to — Mt 19:26. Nothing too hard for — Ge 18:14; Jer 32:27. Can save by many or by few — 1Sa 14:6. Is the source of all strength — 1Ch 29:12; Ps 68:35. Exhibited in Creation. — Ps 102:25; Jer 10:12. Establishing and governing all things. — Ps 65:6; 66:7. The miracles of Christ. — Lu 11:20. The resurrection of Christ. — 2Co 13:4; Col 2:12. The resurrection of saints. — 1Co 6:14. Making the gospel effectual. — Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18,24. Delivering his people. — Ps 106:8. The destruction of the wicked. — Ex 9:16; Ro 9:22. Saints Long for exhibitions. — Ps 63:1,2. Have confidence in. — Jer 20:11. Receive increase of grace by. — 2Co 9:8. Strengthened by. — Eph 6:10; Col 1:11. Upheld by. — Ps 37:17; Isa 41:10. Supported in affliction by. — 2Co 6:7; 2Ti 1:8. Delivered by. — Ne 1:10; Da 3:17. Exalted by. — Job 36:22. Kept by, to salvation. — 1Pe 1:5. Exerted in behalf of saints — 2Ch 16:9. Works in, and for saints — 2Co 13:4; Eph 1:19; 3:20. The faith of saints stands in — 1Co 2:5. Should be Acknowledged. — 1Ch 29:11; Isa 33:13. Pleaded in prayer. — Ps 79:11; Mt 6:13. Feared. — Jer 5:22; Mt 10:28. Magnified. — Ps 21:13; Jude 1:25. Efficiency of ministers is through — 1Co 3:6-8; Ga 2:8; Eph 3:7. Is a ground of trust — Isa 26:4; Ro 4:21. The wicked Know not. — Mt 22:29. Have against them. — Ezr 8:22. Shall be destroyed by. — Lu 12:5. The heavenly host magnify — Re 4:11; 5:13; 11:17. –Torrey's New Topical Textbook
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