An influential Christian author of the 20th century, G.K. Chesterton wrote
Orthodoxy as a defense of the Christian faith. Meant to be a companion to
Chesterton's Heretics, Orthodoxy constructs an "alternative philosophy" to the
philosophies of the time. Chesterton explains both why he believes that
Orthodox Christianity best explains human existence, and why he does not find
other philosophies convincing. However, in defending Christianity, Chesterton
does not avoid the paradox, wonder, or mystery of Christianity either. After
all Orthodoxy is--as the author himself notes--also a spiritual and
intellectual autobiography as well, with Chesterton providing illustrations and
examples from his own life. In fact, because of the autobiographical element,
many readers are pleasantly surprised by the wit and humor with which he
tackles the difficult subjects in Christianity. An important defense of
Christianity, G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy is a highly recommended, powerful,
and winsome book.