–Sins of Isa 30:1,2
–Chastised Isa 14:26,27; Jer 5:29; 18:6-10; 25:12-33; Eze 2:3-5; 39:23,24; Da 7:9-12; 9:3-16; Ho 7:12; Joe 1:1-20; Am 9:9; Zep 3:6,8
–Perish Ps 9:17; Isa 60:12
–National adversity, prayer in Jud 21:2-4; 2Ch 7:13,14; Ps 74; Joe 2:12
–Lamented Ezr 9; Ne 1:4-11; Jer 6:14; 8:11
–Prayer for Ps 85:1-7; La 2:20-22; 5; Da 9:3-21
–Involved in sins of rulers Ge 20:4,9; 2Sa 24:10-17; 1Ch 21:7-17
–Involved in the sins of other individuals, as Achan Jos 7:1,11-26
–Peace of Job 34:29; Ps 33:12; 89:15-18
–Promises of peace to Le 26:6; 1Ki 2:33; 2Ki 20:19; 1Ch 22:9; Ps 29:11; 46:9; 72:3,7; 128:6; Isa 2:4; 14:4-7; 60:17,18; 65:25; Jer 30:10; 50:34; Eze 34:25-28; Ho 2:18; Mic 4:3,4; Zec 1:11; 3:10; 8:4,5; 9:10; 14:11
–Prayer for peace Jer 29:7; 1Ti 2:1,2
–Peace given by God Jos 21:44; 1Ch 22:18; 23:25; Ps 147:13,14; Ec 3:8; Isa 45:7
–Instances of national peace Jos 14:15; Jud 3:11,30; 1Ki 4:24,25
–See WAR
–Righteousness exalts Pr 14:34
–Nave's Topical Bible.