Lively Oracles Given to Us: or the Christians Birth-right and Duty in the Custody and Use of the Holy Scripture.
Short Name:
Lively Oracles Given to Us
Disambiguation String:
Christians Birth-right and Duty in the Custody and Use of the Holy Scripture.
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Allestree meant for The Lively Oracles Given to Us to serve as a partner to his treatise on
the godly use of speech, The Government of the Tongue. While The Government of the
Tongue deals with the spoken word, The Lively Oracles Given to Us deals with the proper
use and application of the received word—the Holy Scriptures. Allestree addresses
such topics as the purpose of scripture, the authority of scripture, the interpretation of
scripture, and how scripture relates to the Incarnation of Christ. While Allestree grounds
his argument in historical and theological tradition, he also provides practical advice
for reading the Bible. With this book, he succeeds in unifying two virtues too often
separated: scholarship and common sense.