Bible Knowledge Graph

John Flavel

Entity ID:
Long Name:
Flavel, John, 1630?-1691
Short Name:
John Flavel
Disambiguation String:
Puritan theologian
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Flavel was born at Bromsgrove in Wordesterchire. He was the elder son of Richard Flavel, described in contemporary records as "a painful and eminent minister." After receiving his early education, partly at home and partly at the grammar-schools of Bromsgrove and Haslar, he entered University College, Oxford. Soon after taking orders in 1650 he obtained a curacy at Diptford, Devon, and on the death of the vicar he was appointed to succeed him. From Diptford he removed in 1656 to Dartmouth. He was ejected from his living by the passing of the Act of Uniformity in 1662, but continued to preach and administer the sacraments privately till the Five Mile Act of 1665, when he retired to Slapton, 5 miles away. He then lived for a time in London, but returned to Dartmouth, where he labored till his death in 1691. He was married four times. He was a vigorous and voluminous writer, and not without a play of fine fancy.

His principal works are his Navigation Spiritualized (1671); The Fountain of Life, in forty-two Sermons (1672); The Method of Grace (1680); Pneumatologia, a Treatise on the Soul of Man (1698); A Token for Mourners; Husbandry Spiritualized (1699).

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Birth Date:
AD 1630
Death Date:
June 26, 1691
Puritan theologian

Christ Altogether Lovely

Fountain of Life Opened Up

Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption

Pneumatologia: A Treatise of the Soul of Man

Saint Indeed or the Great Work of a Christian in Keeping the Heart in the Several Conditions of Life

Life of the late Rev. Mr. John Flavel