Bible Knowledge Graph

J. Armitage Robinson

Entity ID:
Long Name:
Robinson, Joseph Armitage, 1858-1933
Short Name:
J. Armitage Robinson
Disambiguation String:
Dean of Wells
Entity Type:
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Sir Joseph Armitage Robinson, KCVO, DD (9 January 1858 – 7 May 1933) was a priest in the Church of England and scholar. He was successively Dean of Westminster (1902–1911) and of Wells (1911–1933).

Born the son of a poor vicar in Keynsham, Robinson was educated at Liverpool College and Christ's College, Cambridge of which he became a Fellow. In January 1902 he was appointed a Chaplain-in-Ordinary to King Edward VII, and shortly thereafter Dean of Westminster, in which position he served until he was appointed Dean of Wells in 1911. It has been suggested that the move to Wells was arranged to avoid friction in the run-up to the coronation of George V.

Robinson was Lord High Almoner from 1906 to 1933.

As Dean of Wells Robinson enjoyed close links with Downside Abbey. He also critically explored the origins of the Glastonbury legends to which the Glastonbury Festival had revived attention. A renowned scholar in patristics (he was particularly known for his work on the Lausiac History), Armitage Robinson was a participant in the bilateral Anglican-Roman Catholic Malines Conversations. He held honorary doctorates from Göttingen and Halle.

He was appointed Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order in 1932, and died on 7 May 1933.

Viaf ID:
DB Pedia ID:
Biblical Status:
Not Biblical
Is An Individual:
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Birth Date:
January 9, 1858
Death Date:
May 7, 1933
Dean of Wells