Bible Knowledge Graph

Human Nature of Christ, The

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Human Nature of Christ, The
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Was necessary to his mediatorial office — 1Ti 2:5; Heb 2:17; Ga 4:4,5; 1Co 15:21; Ro 6:15,19.

Is proved by his

Conception in the Virgin’s womb. — Mt 1:18; Lu 1:31.

Birth. — Mt 1:16,25; 2:2; Lu 2:7,11.

Partaking of flesh and blood. — Joh 1:14; Heb 2:14.

Having a human soul. — Mt 26:38; Lu 23:46; Ac 2:31.

Circumcision. — Lu 2:21.

Increase in wisdom and stature. — Lu 2:52.

Weeping. — Lu 19:41; Joh 11:35.

Hungering. — Mt 4:2; 21:18.

Thirsting. — Joh 4:7; 19:28.

Sleeping. — Mt 8:24; Mr 4:38.

Being subject to weariness. — Joh 4:6.

Being a man of sorrows. — Isa 53:3,4; Lu 22:44; Joh 11:33; 12:27.

Being buffeted. — Mt 26:67; Lu 22:64.

Enduring indignities. — Lu 23:11.

Being scourged. — Mt 27:26; Lu 22:64.

Being nailed to the cross. — Ps 22:16; Lu 23:33.

Death. — Joh 19:30.

Side being pierced. — Joh 19:34.

Burial. — Mt 27:59,60; Mr 15:46.

Resurrection. — Ac 3:15; 2Ti 2:8.

Was like our own in all things except sin — Ac 3:22; Php 2:7,8; Heb 2:17.

Was without sin — Heb 7:26,28; 1Jo 3:5; 1Pe 2:22; Heb 4:15; Joh 18:38; 8:46.

Was submitted to the evidence of the senses — Lu 24:39; Joh 20:27; 1Jo 1:1,2.

Was of the seed of

The woman. — Ge 3:15; Isa 7:4; Jer 31:22; Lu 1:31; Ga 4:4.

Abraham. — Ge 22:18; Ga 3:16; Heb 2:16.

David. — 2Sa 7:12,16; Ps 89:35,36; Jer 23:5; Mt 22:42; Mr 10:47; Ac 2:30; 13:23; Ro 1:3.

Genealogy of — Mt 1:1-17; Lu 3:23-38.

Attested by himself — Mt 8:20; 16:13.

Confession of, a test of belonging to God — Joh 4:2.

Acknowledged by men — Mr 6:3; Joh 7:27; 19:5; Ac 2:22.

Denied by Antichrist — 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7.

–Torrey's New Topical Textbook
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