- Summary:
- –(Seat of the affections) –RENEWED De 30:6; Ps 51:10; Eze 11:19; 18:31; 36:26; Ro 2:29; Eph 4:23; Col 3:10 .Regenerated Joh 3:3,7 .Graciously affected of God 1Sa 10:26; 1Ch 29:18; Ezr 6:22; 7:27; Pr 16:1; 21:1; Jer 20:9; Ac 16:14 .Strengthened Ps 27:14; 112:8; 1Th 3:13 .Enlightened 2Co 4:6 .Tested 1Ch 29:17; Ps 7:9; 26:2; Pr 17:3; Jer 11:20; 12:3; 20:12; 1Th 2:4; Heb 11:17; Re 2:2,10 .It should render to God obedience De 10:12; 11:13; 26:16; 1Ki 2:4; Ps 119:112; Eph 6:6 .Faith Ps 27:3; 112:7; Ac 8:37; Ro 6:17; 10:10 .Trust Pr 3:5 .Love Mt 22:37 .Fear Ps 119:161; Jer 32:40 .Fidelity Ne 9:8 .Zeal 2Ch 17:16; Jer 20:9 .It should seek God 2Ch 19:3; 30:19; Ezr 7:10; Ps 10:17; 84:2 .Be joyful 1Sa 2:1; Ps 4:7; 97:11; Isa 65:14; Zec 10:7 .Upright Ps 97:11; 125:4 .Clean Ps 51:10; 73:1 .Pure Ps 24:4; Pr 22:11; Mt 5:8; 1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 2:22; Jas 4:8; 1Pe 1:22 .Sincere Lu 8:15; Ac 2:46; Eph 6:5; Col 3:22; Heb 10:22 .Repentant De 30:2; Ps 34:18; 51:17 .Devout 1Sa 1:13; Ps 4:4; 9:1; 27:8; 77:6; 119:10,69,145 .Wise 1Ki 3:9,12; 4:29; Job 9:4; Pr 8:10; 10:8; 11:29; 14:33; 23:15 .Tender 1Sa 24:5; 2Ki 22:19; Job 23:16; Ps 22:14; Eph 4:32 .Holy Ps 66:18; 1Pe 3:15 .Compassionate Jer 4:19; La 3:51 .Lowly Mt 11:29 –THE UNREGENERATE .Is full of iniquity Ge 6:5; 8:21; 1Sa 17:28; Pr 6:14,18; 11:20; Ec 8:11; 9:3; Jer 4:14,18; 17:9; Ro 1:21 .Loves evil De 29:18; Ps 95:10; Jer 17:5 .Is a fountain of evil Mt 12:34 .See DEPRAVITY .Is wayward 2Ch 12:14; Ps 101:4; Pr 6:14; 11:20; 12:8; 17:20; Jer 5:23; Heb 3:10 .Blind Ro 1:21; Eph 4:18 .See BLINDNESS, SPIRITUAL .Is double (duplicity) 1Ch 12:33; Ps 12:2; Ho 10:2; Jas 1:6,8; Pr 28:14; Isa 9:9; 10:12; 46:12 .See INSTABILITY .Is hard Ps 76:5; Eze 2:4; 3:7; 11:19; 36:26; Mr 6:52; 10:5; 16:14; Joh 12:40; Ro 1:21; 2:5 .See IMPENITENCE .See OBDURACY .Is deceitful Jer 17:9 .Is proud 2Ki 14:10; 2Ch 25:19; Ps 101:5; Pr 18:12; 28:25; Jer 48:29; 49:16 .See PRIDE .Is subtle Pr 7:10 .See HYPOCRISY .Is sensual Eze 6:9; Ho 13:6; Ro 8:7 .See LASCIVIOUSNESS .Is worldly 2Ch 26:16; Da 5:20; Ac 8:21,22 .Is judicially hardened Ex 4:21; Jos 11:20; Isa 6:10; Ac 28:26,27 .Is malicious Ps 28:3; 140:2; Pr 24:2; Ec 7:26; Eze 25:15 .See MALICE .Is impenitent Ro 2:5 .See IMPENITENCE .Is diabolical Joh 13:2; Ac 5:3 .Is covetous Jer 22:17; 2Pe 2:14 .See COVETOUSNESS .Is foolish Pr 12:23; 22:15; Ec 9:3 –UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES DESCRIPTIVE OF THE SEAT OF THE AFFECTIONS De 5:29; 6:5,6; 1Sa 16:7; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 12:14; Ps 22:26; 34:18; 51:10,17; 57:7; 112:7; Pr 4:23; 14:30; 15:13-15; 16:1; 20:9; Jer 17:1,9,10; Mt 5:8; 9:4; 12:33; 15:18-20; 23:26; Mr 7:21; Ac 8:22; Ro 2:5,14-16; Heb 3:8,15 –INSTANCES OF HARDENED HEARTS .Pharoah Ex 4:21; 7:3,13,22; 8:15,32; 9:12 .Sihon De 2:30 .King of Canaan Jos 11:20 .Others 1Sa 6:6 –KNOWN TO GOD De 31:21; 1Sa 16:7; 2Sa 7:20; 1Ki 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; Job 11:11; 16:19; 31:4; Ps 1:6; 44:21; 51:10; 94:11; 139:1-12; Pr 5:21; 16:2; 21:2; Isa 66:18; Jer 12:3; 17:10; Eze 11:5,19-21; 36:25,26; Lu 16:15; Ac 1:24; 15:8; Ro 8:27; 1Co 3:20; Heb 4:12; Re 2:23 –CHANGE OF .INSTANCES OF .Saul 1Sa 10:9 .Solomon 1Ki 3:11,12 .Saul of Tarsus Ac 9:1-18 .See REGENERATION .See SANCTIFICATION
–Easton's Bible Dictionary
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