Bible Knowledge Graph

Creeds of Christendom Volume II

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Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical notes. Volume II. The History of Creeds.
Short Name:
Creeds of Christendom Volume II
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Creeds of Christendom Volume II
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In 1876, this three volume collection of cross-denominational creeds and confessions was deemed by its publisher a "symbolical library" well worth visiting. In Volume II of Creeds of Christendom, Schaff reproduces the Scripture Confessions as well as the Ante-Nicene and Nicene Rules of Faith and Baptismal Creeds. He also presents the Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church alongside the longer catechism of the Orthodox Eastern Church. Finally, Schaff concludes with the Old Catholic Union Creeds, which include several encyclical letters from the 19th and 20th century papacies. Schaff spends several sections comparing different forms of the Apostle's Creed, which range from the Old Roman African form to the Old Italian form. Schaff even provides an extensive table displaying the gradual formation of the Creed from 200AD to 750AD. This book is an excellent resource for comparative analysis, as Schaff provides the documents in their original languages alongside their English translations. Through Creeds of Christendom, Schaff aims to bring understanding to those who adhere to different creeds. He wisely reminds us that despite varying Christian denominations, Christ always remains at the center of the creeds.

Emmalon Davis
CCEL StaffWriter
Is An Individual:
Is Published:
Original Language:
BR145.S3 1882-1910


LC Subjects:
All; Creeds; History; Reference; Proofed
Creator: Philip Schaff, Relator: aut, Creator ID: 32360