Second Peter 1:10 says
"Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make
your calling and election sure." So how can Christians
really know they are saved? Scottish Presbyterian
minister William Guthrie asked this question in the 17th
century, and wrote his only work, The Christian's Great
Interest, in order to answer it. This work is an
assurance of salvation aimed at helping believers "make
[their] calling and election sure." Guthrie's Part One
makes a case that Christians have a special interest in
Christ, and Part Two reminds believers of what they must
do to attain that salvation. The book is written with
typical Puritan language and may be challenging in style
for some readers, but Guthrie is highly logical and
methodical in is writing, fully explaining each point and
moving gracefully form one to the next. Guthrie is aware
that some readers aren't versed in Christianity, so he is
always sure to explain basic themes for the sake of "those more
ignorant." He assures readers "it is thy edification I intend, together
with the hope of inciting others more expert and experienced... to
handle at greater length, what I have more briefly hinted at."
Ultimately, this comforting work confirms salvation and inspires
Christians to be sure of their faith. It is sure to console any who
have doubted.