The date of birth of Ugolino in Monte Santa Maria, (Ugolino, di Monte Santa Maria) now known as Montegiorgio, is unknown, as is the date of his death. His writings reflect that he knew of John of LaVerna, who died in 1274, and there are documents which place him in Naples in 1331.
Ugolino was the author of the Actus Beati Francisci et Sociorum Eius (The Deeds of Blessed Francis and His Companions which was translated into the Italian Tuscan dialect by an anonymous translator and named Fioretti di Santo Francesco d' Ascesi or The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi. The work was a collection of anecdotes regarding the life of St. Francis and his early disciples. In this context "Fioretti", or "garden of flowers", means simply "notabilia", or "more noteworthy things", things omitted from the formal biographies of the Saint.