Bible Knowledge Graph

Brooks by the Traveller's Way

Entity ID:
Long Name:
Brooks by the Traveller's Way
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Brooks by the Traveller's Way
Disambiguation String:
26 addresses by Jowett
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Brooks by the Traveller's Way contains 26 addresses written by English Congregationalist pastor, John Henry Jowett. The addresses were first published in the Examiner newspaper, but they appealed to so many readers that they were printed together in one volume to reach a larger audience. In this collection of addresses, Jowett shows Christians how to set their gaze on the Lord, allowing God to always guide them. Jowett encourages his readers to live a life of spiritual contemplation, and teaches them the value of "Ask." "Seek." "Knock." Brooks by the Traveller's Way encourages Christians to submit to God's will, trust in His love, and follow Him without hesitation. Jowett inspires readers to thank God for daily sustenance, the beautiful gifts in nature, and the ability to fellowship with church, family, and friends. These addresses serve as great reminders for Christians who have forgotten the many wonderful aspects of being in a relationship with Christ.

Emmalon Davis
CCEL Staff Writer
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LC Subjects:
All; proofed
Creator: John Henry Jowett, Relator: aut, Creator ID: 22904