ASSURANCE: The doctrine that those who are truly converted know beyond doubt that they are saved (cf. Col. ii, 2; Heb. vi, 11; x, 22).
The doctrine may easily be made to contribute to spiritual pride. The degree of its objectionableness depends upon the interpretation placed upon it. It is particularly objectionable when it assumes to deny a state of salvation to those who are troubled by doubts, and in its exaggerated form easily leads to Antinomianism (q.v.). The doctrine was taught by both Luther and Calvin, and has been generally held in Protestantism. Indeed, the Westminster Assembly was the first Protestant synod to declare assurance not to be of the essence of faith. In connection with the belief in unconditional election, the doctrine in Calvinism (cf. Westminster Confession, art. xviii) takes the form of assurance of final Salvation (see Perseverance of the Saints). In Methodism it means full confidence of present, not eternal, salvation. In this form the doctrine was advocated by Wesley, who connected it with the witness of the Holy Spirit; and it is still generally held by Methodist theologians (see Methodists).
–New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol. I: Aachen - Basilians