Bible Knowledge Graph

Person Entities

View info Athenagoras of Athens (c.133-c.190) - Ante-Nicene Christian apologist
View info Augustine, Saint (354-430) - Bishop of Hippo and "Doctor of the Church"
View info Aulén, Gustaf (1879-1977) - Bishop of Strängnäs
View info Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 - English novelist
View info Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, 1830-1907 - American clergyman
View info Bagster, Jonathan, 1813-1872 - author
View info Baillie, Donald Macpherson, 1887-1954 - Scottish theologian, ecumenist, and parish minister
View info Baillie, John, 1886-1960 - Scottish theologian
View info Baird, Henry M. (1832-1906) - American historian and educationalist, a Presbyterian preacher and author
View info Baker, Augustine (1517-1641) - Benedictine writer on ascetical theology
Showing 41 - 50 of 715.