Bible Knowledge Graph

Person Entities

View info Woolman, John, 1720-1772 - Quaker preacher and campaigner against slavery
View info Wuttke, Adolf, 1819-1870 - Protestant theologian, author and politician
View info Wycliffe, John, -1384 - English philosopher, theologian, and reformer
View info Wyss, Johann David (1743-1818) - Swiss pastor and author
View info Young, Edward (1681-1765) - English poet
View info Young, John, 1805-1881 - author of <i>Christ of History</i>
View info Young, Robert, 1822-1888 - Biblical scholar
View info Zechariah
View info Zechariah - The Prophet
View info Zechariah - King of Israel
View info Zephaniah
View info zosimus - Zosimus the Hermit was an ascetic who resided in the wilds of Cilicia in the third century AD.
View info Zwingli, Ulrich (1484-1531) - Swiss reformer
Showing 703 - 715 of 715.