Bible Knowledge Graph

Person Entities

View info Foreigner
View info Forsyth, Peter Taylor, 1848-1921 - Scottish Congregationalist divine
View info Fosdick, Harry Emerson (1878-1969) - American Baptist divine
View info Fox, George (1624-1691) - Founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers)
View info Foxe, John, 1516-1587 - Protestant martyrologist
View info François Borgia, saint, 1510-1572 - Duke of Gandia
View info François Ier, roi de France, 1494-1547
View info François, de Sales, saint, 1567-1622 - Bishop of Geneva and a leader of the counter-reformation
View info French, Reginald Michael. - translator and author
View info Fudge, Edward (1944-) - Christian author, speaker, and writer.
View info Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661 - English churchman and historian
View info Gardner, Edmund Garratt (1869-1935) - English scholar and writer, specializing in Italian history and literature
View info Garrison, Winfred Ernest, 1874-1969 - professor of philosophy
View info Genesius, of Rome, Saint, -303 - Author
View info Gennadius Patriarch of Constantinople II, 1405-1472 - Christian priest and historian.
View info Gérard Calvin - Father of John Calvin
Showing 241 - 256 of 715.